Home - Activities - Water ravines - Gorges del Freser ravine
Gorges del Freser ravine
Barranc Gorges del Freser: Barranc located near Queralbs (Ripollés) expert level ravine, has an approach of about three hours, to the entrance of the ravine, if you want to make a descent where you will not find anyone or almost no one this is your choice water ravine, where we will do slides, jumps and abseils down the Pyrenees that will not leave indifferent, along the way we will enjoy and learn about the flora and fauna around us, sign up and come with us to enjoy this magnificent descent!
1 person 150 € / per.
2 people75 € / per.
3 to 4 People 65 € / per
5 to 6 people 55 € / per
More than 6 people 50 € / per.
See for more information .
The price of the activity includes:
Anchor heads and eight.
Insurance to do the activity
Photographic report
Snack after the activity