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HomeActivitiesWater ravines - Hell ravine

Hell's Ravine

Barranc de l'Infern: Barranc located near the village of Segur (Pallars Jussà.) Medium level ravine where you will enjoy the formations within the ravines of karst origin, ravine that combines rappelling, bouncing, slides and jumps , this descent is one of the most realized descent of the Pallars, it will not leave us indifferent, we will be amazed by the games of colors of its waters and the light, come and Enjoy with us of this Ravine.



  • 1 person 150 € / per.
    2 people75 € / per.
    3 to 4 People 65 € / per
    5 to 6 people 55 € / per
    More than 6 people 50 € / per.

    See for more information

The price of the activity includes:

  • Helmet

  • Talabard

  • Anchor heads and eight.

  • Neoprene

  • Pumps

  • Insurance to do the activity

  • Photographic report

  • Snack after the activity

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