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HomeActivitiesAquatic ravines - Barranc delsEmpedrats

Barranc dels Empedrats

Barranc dels Empedrats: Barranc located in Bagà (Berguedà.) Barranc located in the Cadí-Moixeró Natural Park, a descent with great natural value where we will enjoy its magnificent environment and its flora and fauna and its colorful waters. turquoise green, Initiation ravine ideal for all audiences, this descent combines abseils of up to 17 meters, jumps and slides. Come and enjoy this Ravine with us.


1 person 150 € / per

2 people75 € / per.

3 to 4 People 65 € / per

5 to 6 people 55 € / per

More than 6 people 50 € / per.

See for more information .

The price of the activity includes:

  • Helmet

  • Talabard

  • Anchor heads and eight.

  • Neoprene

  • Pumps

  • Insurance to do the activity

  • Photographic report

  • Snack after the activity

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