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HomeActivitiesRavines - Barranc Gorges del Núria

Gorges del Núria ravine

Barranc de Núria: Located in the valley of Núria (Ripollès.) Is a technical ravine which requires people who have made some descent. a very aquatic ravine and the time of its descent must be monitored,  by the flow of water. Do you like strong emotions? 
Well this is in your Ravine ......
Very aquatic ravine that combines slides of up to 18 meters, jumps that can reach 12 meters, bounces and abseils of up to 21 meters, come and enjoy with us this amazing ravine


See for more information .

1 person 150 € / per.

2 people75 € / per.

3 to 4 People 65 € / per

5 to 6 people 60 € / per

More than 6 people 55 € / per.

The price of the activity includes:

  • Helmet

  • Talabard

  • Anchor heads and eight.

  • Neoprene

  • Pumps

  • Insurance to do the activity

  • Photographic report

  • Snack after the activity

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