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HomeActivities - Training - Introductory course in rappelling

Rappelling Initiation Course

Rappels Initiation Course: Course where we will give the student the knowledge of how to ride (install a Rappel.) Fortune or with installation this knowledge will be useful so to do rappels to via ferrata, canyoning, climbing and mountaineering, learn to always maneuver safely, we will teach the safety protocol and which are the most common mistakes, abseils or descents are always where there are more accidents.

Course objectives.


  • How to Manage Risk


  • Different ways to Rappel.


  • Locking keys.


  • Installation assembly

  • Security protocol


  • Material management


  • Different Facilities.


  • Fortune methods.


  • Different methods of Rappelling.

Duration: Course divided into two parts also, in the place where we will stay will be said a few days before all the students, in the meeting place, we will make a small explanation of everything we will do, explanation of the subject and solve small questions and doubts, then we will pass in the practical part where we will work on all the amendments to the objectives of the course, such as different methods of installation, methods of fortune, etc. The next day we will work on everything we worked on the day before and we will install ourselves and rappelling autonomously.
Then we will give feedback where we will resolve doubts and questions.



  • Sports coach.


  • Accident insurance


  • Civil liability.


  • Activity material.

Individual Material


  • Water and food.


  • Comfortable clothes.


  • Botese mountain. A small backpack


  • Individual material, to get acquainted (Optional.)


1 person ...................... 160 €

2 People ..................... € 100

3 people ...................... 80 €

4people.or more see

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